R 180.00

Our bottled honey is a glass jar of stunning pure raw (unadulterated & non-irradiated) golden honey straight from the hive to the pot, with all its natural goodness. Our bee keeper just loves his bees!  He is meticulous about keeping them happy and healthy. These bees live in beautiful hives, and leave daily to do their hard work in the nearby West Coast National Park where they are busy all day pollinating wild flowers. The Cape West Coast National Park is a beautiful sight during August to December and are a massive tourist attraction during these months. Have a look at some of these images alongside of the National Park in full bloom!

Please note that this honey will crystalize at just 17°C, so to decrystalise, just pop the glass jar into hot water. Also, because the honey has been taken straight from the hive, you may find a few "bits of bee" (such as a leg or a wing) inside the honey as occasionally one falls in. Don't be alarmed, it's normal and just an act of nature. Simply remove the "extra ingredient" and continue to enjoy the honey!

1kg honey = 750ml
500g honey = 325ml


West Coast Wild Flower Raw Honey R 180.00

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